You can only access the maximum loan amount shown on your loan offer page. To get a higher amount, build your credit score by making your repayment as scheduled.
Articles in this section
- How do I make my loan repayment?
- Will my loan size increase every time I repay?
- What is the maximum loan amount I can obtain?
- Can I apply for a higher amount than shown?
- Where can I see my repayment schedule?
- How much can I borrow?
- What happens if I overpay my loan?
- Can I do bank transfers?
- How to withdraw my loan/funds
- How Long Must I Wait For Loan Approval?
I take a loan of 7400 to repay 8140 in 28 days which I did before the date to my surprise I was debited 16280 please send back my balance of 8140
I am not seeing the standard loan offer any more why
How can I receive my loan
How can I loan
How can I borrow loan
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