You can only make an exact repayment of your loan when you make your repayment from your app but if you make an overpayment into the company's account, the balance would be credited to your wallet.
Articles in this section
- How do I make my loan repayment?
- Will my loan size increase every time I repay?
- What is the maximum loan amount I can obtain?
- Can I apply for a higher amount than shown?
- Where can I see my repayment schedule?
- How much can I borrow?
- What happens if I overpay my loan?
- Can I do bank transfers?
- How to withdraw my loan/funds
- How Long Must I Wait For Loan Approval?
1 comment
I over paid my loan since yesterday but you didn't clear my loan and re found my money what's the problem I already paid through ATM card
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